DDEC III/IV Single ECM Troubleshooting – Section 83.3 Troubleshooting Flash Code 83

Section 83.3
Troubleshooting Flash Code 83

This code indicates the component temperature or pressure went above calibrated limits. Possible causes include: ‪

  1. Code 173/0
    • Restricted muffler/converter, exhaust
    • Injector (s)
  2. Code 412/154/0
    • EGR valve leaking
    • EGR cooler
    • Low coolant
    • Restricted air filter
    • Injector (s)
  3. Code 411/155/0
    • EGR valve leaking
    • Restricted exhaust components (muffler/converter)

The following procedure will troubleshoot Flash Code 83 for the EGR system. ‪

Section 83.3.1
Check for Other Codes

  1. Turn ignition ON.
  2. Plug in DT.
  3. Read active codes.
    1. If a codes 63 (s 060) or 31 (s 52) are logged with 412 or 411 (or 154/155), service those codes first.
    2. If codes 63 (s 060) or 31 (s 52) are not logged, continue this procedure. Refer to "83.3.2 Vehicle Air Test" .

Section 83.3.2
Vehicle Air Test

The test for vehicle air system was performed during EGR-1. Refer to "10.16 Exhaust Gas Recirculation System (EGR-1) – Fault, Series 50 Engine" for Series 50 engines. For Series 60 engines, refer to "10.18 Exhaust Gas Recirculation System Basic Checks for Series 60 Engines" .‪

  1. If the test for vehicle air system performed during EGR-1 did not pass, resolve low vehicle air pressure.
  2. If the test for vehicle air system performed during EGR-1 passed, replace the EGR valve and refer to "83.3.3 Verify Repairs" .

Section 83.3.3
Verify Repairs

Perform the following steps to verify repairs for the EGR valve: ‪

  1. Connect all connectors.
  2. Start and run the engine.
  3. Road test the engine.
    1. If code 83 was not logged, no further troubleshooting is required.
    2. If code 83 was logged, please review this section from the first step to find the error. Refer to "83.3.1 Check for Other Codes" . If this is the second time through the procedure, call Detroit Diesel Technical Service, or try a test ECM.

DDEC III/IV Single ECM Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE497
Generated on 10-13-2008

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