Section 31.2
SPN 132/FMI 13
This diagnosis is typically Air Mass Adaptation failed.
Note: Either of the following procedures (refer to "31.2.1 Air Mass Adaptation Using DDDL 7.0" or refer to "31.2.2 Air Mass Adaptation Manual Mode Using the Throttle Pedal" ) must be performed after the following components have been replaced.
- MCM reprogrammed or replaced
- Single-stage turbo
- Dual-stage turbo (MBE 900 only)
- Inlet Air Delta P Sensor
- Systec Sensor (attached to turbo, hoses from Inlet Air Delta P are attached)
- Intake Manifold Pressure/Temperature Sensor
- Turbo Inlet Pressure/Temperature Sensor
- Turbo Outlet Temp Sensor (MBE 900 only)
- Turbo inlet elbow
- Air inlet piping (FLC parts if part number has been revised)
Section 31.2.1
Air Mass Adaptation Using DDDL 7.0
Check as follows:
- Connect DDDL 7.0.
- Start the engine.
- Execute the Air Mass Adaptation Service routine.
Section 31.2.2
Air Mass Adaptation Manual Mode Using the Throttle Pedal
Check as follows:
Note: This procedure does NOT use DDDL 7.0.
- Start the engine.
- Monitor the engine coolant temperature until it reaches 40°C (104°F) for the MBE 900, 60°C (140°F) for the MBE 4000.
- Increase the rpm to 1700 (MBE 4000) or 1800 (MBE 900) and hold for 30 seconds.
Note: If rpm can not be achieved due to engine limiter settings, the DDDL 7.0 Air Mass Adaptation Service routine must be used.
- Increase the rpm to 2200 ( MBE 900) or 2270 (MBE 4000) and hold for 30 seconds.
- Return to idle and the fault will be cleared.
EPA07 MBE 4000 DDEC VI Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE568 |
Generated on 10-13-2008 |