Section 27.1
Description of SID 232 – Accelerator Pedal Supply Voltage Fault
SID 232 indicates that a fault has occurred in the supply voltage to the Accelerator Pedal (AP) assembly.
The diagnostic condition is typically:
- AP Supply Voltage above Normal (232 03).
- AP Supply Voltage below Normal (232 04).
Voltage is supplied to the AP through the 21-pin connector attached to the PLD-MR and the 18-pin connector attached to the DDEC-VCU. See Figure "Location of DDEC-VCU and Wiring Harness Connectors" for connector locations within the vehicle and see Figure "DDEC-VCU Connectors" for connector positions on the DDEC-VCU.

1. Passenger-Side Dash |
4. 18-Pin Connector |
5. 21-Pin Connector |
3. 15-Pin Connector |
Figure 1. Location of DDEC-VCU and Wiring Harness Connectors

1. 21-Pin DDEC-VCU Connector (VC1) |
3. 15-Pin DDEC-VCU Connector (VC4) |
2. 18-Pin DDEC-VCU Connector (VC3) |
Figure 2. DDEC-VCU Connectors
MBE 900/4000 Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE422 |
Generated on 10-13-2008 |