Figure 1. Diagnostic Form
The following procedure will lead you through the EST Tool Data List. The test must be performed with fully charged batteries. For a reproduction of the applicable portion of the diagnostic form,see Figure
“Diagnostic Form”
Section 10.11.1
The purpose of the EST Data List procedure is to determine if the components needed for starting the engine are operating within specifications.
Section 10.11.2
Test Procedure
To measure engine cranking speed, battery voltage and Injection Control Pressure (ICP), it may be possible to read the data on the EST Data List while the engine is cranking. If the voltage drops below 7 volts while cranking, the EST will reset back to start-up. If this occurs, the tool can be used to perform this test by setting a Custom Data List. Refer to “10.11.3 Creating a Custom Data List”
. Or, refer to “10.12 ECM Voltage”
, to conduct a testing voltage rpm and ICP individually using the Fluke 88 DVOM as an alternative. Also refer to “10.13 Engine Cranking RPM”
Note: Turn all accessories and the ignition OFF before connecting the EST tool to the ATA (American Trucking Association) diagnostic connector.
Connect the EST to the ATA diagnostic connector. The screen of the reader should light up as soon as the tool is plugged in.
Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Do not start the engine. This will allow the EST to receive data from the electronic control components on the unit. The information received will be data indicating the current status of the engine. See Figure
“Data List”
Figure 2. Data List
Press the ↓ key until BATT VOLTS displays on the screen. Continue to press the ↓ key until the black dot is on BATT VOLTS. Pressing the number “0” key will add BATT VOLTS to the custom data list. Press FUNC to return to NAVPAK Standard Data List.See Figure
“Data List”
Figure 3. Data List
Now press the ↓ key until the black dot is on ENGINE RPM. Press the “0” key to add ENGINE RPM to the custom data list. See Figure
“Data List”
Figure 4. Data List
Press the FUNC key to return to the NAVPAK data list. Continue to press the ↓ key until INJ CNTL PSI is highlighted with the black dot. Then press the number “0” key to add INJ CNTL PSI to the Custom Data List. See Figure
“Data List”
Figure 5. Data List
The EST is now ready to read data. Crank the engine while observing the data on the screen.
Section 10.11.3
Creating a Custom Data List
From the main menu, select Engine Data List and press enter. See Figure
“Main Menu”
Figure 6. Main Menu
Press the ↓ key until the black dot displays on the PID to be added to the Custom Data List. Then press the number “0” key. The selected PID will now be added to the bottom of the Custom Data List. See Figure
“Data List”
Figure 7. Data List
Pressing the FUNC key one time will toggle back to NAVPAK Data List. See Figure
“Data List”
Figure 8. Data List
Using the ↓ or ↑ key to highlight the next PID for the Custom Data List with the black dot, depress the number “0” key to add PID to the bottom of the Custom Data List. See Figure
“Data List”
Figure 9. Data List
To remove a PID from the Custom Data List, move the black dot with the ↑↓ key to the desired PID and press the number “0” key. This will remove the PID from the Custom Data List.
Select BATT VOLTS for the first line. Select Engine rpm for the second line and ICP pressure for the third line. The order of the data list will display BATT VOLTS, ENG. RPM and ICP as the first three items on the list.
If the tool cycles on and off due to low voltage, it will now return to the screen START NEW SESSION as displayed below.
Press the → key to move brackets to NO. Pressing ENTER will cause the EST to toggle back to the Custom Data List. See Figure
“Data List”
Figure 10. Data List
The battery voltage must be 7 or more volts. If the voltage to the ECM drops below 7 volts, the ECM will not remain powered up. If the ECM is not receiving power via the ECM relay, the engine cannot be started.
Engine cranking rpm must be sufficient to generate the required injection control pressure to operate the fuel injectors and to create enough compression heat to ignite the fuel.
A rpm indication of “0” on the EST during engine cranking, indicates the ECM may not be receiving a signal from the Camshaft Position sensor (CMP). Refer to CMP sensor diagnostics. Refer to “19.1 Functions”
If the CMP sensor is inoperative, it must be repaired before continuing with troubleshooting. The ECM will not allow the Injector Pressure Regulator (IRP) valve to fully activate without a CMP signal.
If the EST indicates little or no injection control pressure, check the oil level in the oil reservoir (located on the front cover) by:
- Removing the engine harness connector from the Engine Oil Temperature (EOT) sensor.
- Loosen and carefully remove the EOT sensor from the front cover. The sensor is positioned below the oil level in the oil reservoir. Removing the sensor will allow the oil in the reservoir to drain out of the opening. If little or no oil is present, refill the reservoir and reinstall the EOT sensor and harness connector.
If the oil reservoir continues to lose its oil level, the engine may not be pumping oil to the reservoir.
Note: The test must be performed with fully charged batteries.
Section 10.11.4
Possible Causes
The following are possible causes of the hard start/no start problem:
- Low battery voltage due to bad batteries, high resistance at the battery cable connections or in the wiring to the ECM.
- Defective ECM power relay.
- Blown 40A inline fuse (located in battery box) that supplies battery power (voltage) to the ECM.
- Low cranking rpm that may be caused by electrical system malfunctions, incorrect oil or extended oil change intervals in cold ambient temperatures.
- No engine rpm indication on EST while cranking the engine, a condition possibly caused by CMP sensor or faulty circuitry to the ECM. Check again for fault codes after cranking the engine.
- Low ICP pressure that may indicate a leak in the high pressure oil system, or a defective CMP sensor. Refer to “19.1 Functions”.
- A defective high pressure oil pump or pump drive will prevent proper injection control pressure. A defective IPR, or electronic controls for the regulator will cause low injection control pressure.
Section 10.11.5
Tools Required
Pro-Link 9000, J 38500–100
Section 10.11.6
Supplemental Diagnostics
The hard start/no start diagnosis may also be caused by:
- Low voltage at the ECM. Refer to “21.1 Signal Functions”.
- No engine rpm indication during engine cranking. Refer to CMP sensor diagnostics.Refer to “19.1 Functions”.
- No injection control pressure. Refer to the ICP sensor found in IPR valve diagnostics. Refer to “33.1 Injection Pressure Regulator”.
- No or low injection control pressure and no electronic faults. Refer to “11.13 Boost Pressure”.
Series 40E Troubleshooting Manual – 6SE241 |
Generated on 10-13-2008 |