Series 40E Troubleshooting – Section 12.1 General Instructions

This section contains the supporting information for the Electronic Control Diagnostic Form. ‪

This section contains the supporting information for the Electronic Control System diagnostic form. It includes engine and vehicle recommended diagnostic procedures, a description of each control circuit’s function and a detailed drawing with specifications for each circuit. The technician can be directed to the appropriate control circuit through the Circuit Index column on the Diagnostic Form.‪

Engine and vehicle electronic diagnostics are indexed by circuit acronyms listed on the Electronic Control System Diagnostic Form. The Section Index lists the acronyms to quickly locate the circuits requiring diagnostics. The diagnostic information is structured as described:‪

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Figure 1. DDC Diagnostic Form — Engine Mounted Components

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Figure 2. DDC Diagnostic Form

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Figure 3. DDC Diagnostic Form

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Figure 4. DDC Diagnostic Form

Series 40E Troubleshooting Manual – 6SE241
Generated on 10-13-2008