Series 60 DDEC V Troubleshooting – Section 7.2 Defective Air Compressor

Section 7.2
Defective Air Compressor

To determine if a defective air compressor is causing excessive crankcase pressure, perform the following: ‪

  1. Perform a crankcase pressure test, refer to appropriate service manual, preventive maintenance chapter and record the test results. For crankcase pressure guidelines refer to Service Information Letter 02 TS-20 found on the DDC extranet.
  2. Disconnect the air outlet line from the air compressor; see Figure "Air Compressor Air Outlet Line" ; refer to appropriate service manual, special equipment chapter.
    Click to see this graphic in a separate window

    Figure 1. Air Compressor Air Outlet Line

  3. Repeat step 1 and record the test results.
  4. Compare the results of test one with test two.
    1. If the engine crankcase pressure remained the same, check the turbocharger; refer to "7.3 Defective Turbocharger" .
    2. If the engine crankcase pressure decreased, repair the air compressor; refer to "7.2.1 Air Compressor Repair" .

Section 7.2.1
Air Compressor Repair

Perform the following steps to repair the defective air compressor:‪

  1. Remove the air compressor from the engine; refer to appropriate service manual, special equipment chapter.
  2. Install the repaired air compressor to the engine; refer to appropriate service manual, special equipment chapter.
  3. Verify repair of the air compressor; refer to " Test Engine with Repaired Air Compressor" .
Test Engine with Repaired Air Compressor

Perform the following steps to determine if a repaired air compressor resolved the excessive crankcase pressure:‪

  1. Start and run the engine.
  2. Perform a crankcase pressure test. Refer to appropriate service manual, preventive maintenance chapter. For crankcase pressure guidelines refer to Service Information Letter 02 TS-20 found on the DDC extranet.
    1. If the engine crankcase pressure is within 1.25 kPa (5 in. H2 O), no further troubleshooting is required. Shut down the engine.
    2. If the engine crankcase pressure is not within 1.25 kPa (5 in. H2 O), check the turbocharger, refer to "7.3 Defective Turbocharger" . Shut down the engine.

Series 60 DDEC V Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE570
Generated on 10-13-2008

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