Series 60 DDEC V Troubleshooting – Section 19.3 Servicing DDEC Connectors

Section 19.3
Servicing DDEC Connectors

Newly released kits make servicing DDEC connectors and terminals easier than ever. Crimp tools are not required for simple factory approved repairs. The DDEC V connector service kit is P/N: 23533513.‪

Additionally, it is recommended that whenever possible, the connector and harness incorporate a “service loop” on sensor connections. To achieve this, the harness should be looped back and tie wrapped to the sensor leaving a 3–inch loop. This size loop has proved to substantially protect the mating connector terminals. See Figure "Connector Service Loop" .‪

Click to see this graphic in a separate window

 1. Tie Wrap‪

 2. Service Loop‪

Figure 1. Connector Service Loop

Note: Whenever a connector tie wrap is removed for testing or servicing a connection, ensure it is replaced with a new tie wrap.

Series 60 DDEC V Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE570
Generated on 10-13-2008

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