Series 60 DDEC VI Troubleshooting – Section 15.1 Software Version

Section 15.1
Software Version

The following section contains troubleshooting procedures for Poor Engine Performance on engines equipped with DDEC VI.‪

Section 15.1.1
Poor Engine Performance DDEC VI Equipped Engines

To determine the cause of poor fuel economy for DDEC VI equipped engines perform the following steps:‪

  1. Test the DDEC VI Motor Control Module (MCM) and check for codes by connecting the DDDL to the truck and retrieve the codes and DDEC reports.
    1. If there are codes displayed troubleshoot and repair the codes. Retest for poor fuel economy.
    2. If no codes are displayed proceed to step 2 .
  2. What version of software is DDEC VI MCM running?
    1. If the software version is not at the latest level, reprogram the MCM. Once the MCM has been reprogrammed, proceed to step 2.
    2. If the software is at the latest level, proceed to step 3 .
  3. Verify that the engine hardware has been campaigned or modified to the latest version.
    1. If you are uncertain or unable to determine that the engine has been campaigned or modified to the latest version, please contact the Detroit Diesel Customer Support Center (313-592-5800).
    2. If you have determined that the engine has been campaigned or modified to the latest version, proceed to step 4 .
  4. Verify that the fuel filters are not plugged. Refer to the “Preventive Maintenance “ section of the appropriate Service Manual for inspection steps.
    1. Verify that the fuel pressure is within specifications.
  5. Visually inspect the air filter element for excess dirt, blocked filter elements, and damage. Refer to “Air Cleaner” section of the appropriate Service Manual for removal, inspection, and installation steps.
  6. Perform test to verify that the CAC system is not damaged. Check turbocharger operation for maximum boost.
    1. Once the test has been completed, verify that the reported poor engine performance problem has been resolved. If the problem has been resolved, the troubleshooting test has been completed.
    2. Once the test has been completed, verify that the reported poor engine performance problem has been resolved. If the problem has not been resolved, please contact the Detroit Diesel Customer Support Center (313-592-5800).

EPA07 Series 60 DDEC VI Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE567
Generated on 10-13-2008

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