MBE 4000 DDEC VI Troubleshooting – Section 13.9 High Inlet Air Temperature

Section 13.9
High Inlet Air Temperature

To determine if high inlet air temperature is causing lack of power, test/check the radiator fan, fan drive, or fan shroud for proper operation or configuration. Refer to OEM guidelines.‪

  1. If the radiator fan, fan drive, or fan shroud pass the OEM test, check camshaft timing; refer to "13.10 Incorrect Camshaft Timing" .
  2. If the radiator fan, drive or shroud did not operate correctly, refer to "13.9.1 Radiator Fan, Drive and Shroud Replacement" .

Section 13.9.1
Radiator Fan, Drive and Shroud Replacement

Perform the following steps to replace the radiator fan, drive, and or shroud:‪

  1. Remove and replace the radiator fan, drive, and/or shroud; refer to OEM guidelines.
  2. Verify replacement; refer to " " .

Perform the following steps to determine if replaced radiator fan, fan drive, or fan shroud resolved lack of power condition:‪



To avoid injury before starting and running the engine, ensure the vehicle is parked on a level surface, parking brake is set, and the wheels are blocked.‪

  1. Start and run the engine.
  2. Test drive the vehicle to ensure lack of power has been resolved.
    1. If no lack of power occurred during the test drive, no further troubleshooting is required. Shut down the engine.
    2. If lack of power occurred during the test drive, shut down the engine. Check camshaft timing; refer to "13.10 Incorrect Camshaft Timing" .

EPA07 MBE 4000 DDEC VI Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE568
Generated on 10-13-2008

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