Series 60 DDEC VI Troubleshooting – Section 108.1 SPN 3510/FMI 3

Section 108.1
SPN 3510/FMI 3

This diagnosis is typically Multiplexer 2 Channel 1 or 2 short or open circuit high.‪

Section 108.1.1
Channel 1

Multiplexer 2 Channel 1, shorted high will set if the input voltage from either the Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor, EGR Temperature Sensor or Turbo Compressor Outlet Temperature Sensor exceeds 2.97 volts, which may be caused by a short circuit, or more likely an open circuit. This is an information code only indicating a default value will be used for the other sensor inputs.‪

Section 108.1.2
Channel 2

Multiplexer 2 Channel 2, shorted high will set if the input voltage from either the Engine Oil Temperature Sensor or Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor exceeds 2.97 volts, which may be caused by a short circuit, or more likely an open circuit. This is an information code only indicating a default value will be used for the other sensor inputs.‪

EPA07 Series 60 DDEC VI Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE567
Generated on 10-13-2008

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