MBE 900 4000 Troubleshooting – Section 25.2 Troubleshooting SID 146

Section 25.2
Troubleshooting SID 146

Data for the EGR temperature sensor is routed through pins 28 and 22 on the 55-pin connector. See Figure "Pin Locations on 55-Pin Connector" .‪

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 1. 55-Pin Connector‪


Figure 1. Pin Locations on 55-Pin Connector

The following procedures will troubleshoot SID 146.‪

Section 25.2.1
146 00 – EGR Temperature above Normal

Perform the following steps to troubleshoot EGR temperature above normal:‪

  1. Check active codes.
    1. If fault codes 110 00 and 146 00 are active at the same time, refer to "11.2.1 110 00 – Engine Coolant Temperature High" . Repair or replace parts as required. Erase fault code memory.
    2. If only fault code 146 00 is still active, verify proper coolant flow through the EGR cooler. Refer to OEM Vehicle Manual. Repair or replace parts and coolant as necessary. Erase fault code memory.
    3. If fault 146 00 is still active, check for an EGR temperature sensor circuit fault: Go to step 2 .
  2. Bridge pins 1 and 2 on the EGR temperature sensor and check for active fault codes. See Figure "EGR Temperature Sensor Pins and 55-Pin Connector Wires" .
    Click to see this graphic in a separate window

    Figure 2. EGR Temperature Sensor Pins and 55-Pin Connector Wires

    1. If fault code 146 00 is the only active code, replace the EGR temperature sensor. Erase fault code memory.
    2. If fault code 146 00 is not the only active code, go to step 2 .
  3. Bridge pin 1 of the EGR temperature sensor to ground and check for active fault codes. See Figure "EGR Temperature Sensor Pins and 55-Pin Connector Wires" .
    1. If fault code 146 00 is still active, repair open circuit in wire between pin 28 of the 55-pin connector and pin 1 of the EGR temperature sensor.
    2. If fault code 146 00 is no longer active, erase fault code memory.
    3. If fault code 146 00 is still active, go to step 4 .
  4. Measure the resistance between pin 22 of the 55-pin connector and pin 2 of the EGR temperature sensor. See Figure "EGR Temperature Sensor Pins and 55-Pin Connector Wires" .
    1. If resistance is greater than 3 Ω, repair open circuit in wire between pin 22 of the 55-pin connector and pin 2 of the EGR temperature sensor.
    2. If resistance is less than 3 Ω, check all contacts and connections. If any corrosion is evident, remove it.
    3. If fault code 146 00 is not active, erase fault code memory.
    4. If fault code 146 00 is still active, go to step 5 .
  5. Check for damage to the reed valves as follows:
    1. Look for open valves (damaged or stuck). Replace valves as required.
    2. Look for soot deposits on the valves. If necessary, clean valves.
    3. If fault code 146 00 is still active, contact Detroit Diesel Technical Service for authorization to replace the PLD-MR. Set parameters on new PLD-MR.

Section 25.2.2
146 01 – EGR Temperature below Normal

Perform the following steps to troubleshoot EGR temperature below normal:‪

  1. Verify the PLD-MR hardware and software are correct as follows:
    1. Plug the Diagnostic Data Reader (DDR), the Diesel Diagnostic Data Link (DDDL) or Minidiag2 into the Diagnostic Connector and read software level and PLD-MR hardware part number.

      Note: Use the Pro-Link kit J 38500-H to connect the DDR. Use PC card J 38500-2300 installed in the computer to connect the DDDL.

    2. The required software level is: SW60- HW D3.1. The required PLD-MR part number is: 0014466440. Remove and replace the PLD-MR and/or the software if necessary.
  2. Check active codes.
    1. If fault codes 146 01 and 146 12 are active at the same time, check the EGR valve for damage. Repair or replace the valve as required.
    2. For MBE 900 engine, refer to DDC service manual 6SE414 , section "10.6 EGR Rotary Valve" , EGR Rotary Valve.
    3. For MBE 4000 engine, refer to DDC service manual 6SE412 , section , EGR Control Valve, Gas Outlet Pipe, and Gas Mixer.
    4. If fault codes 146 01 and 146 00 are active at the same time, check fault code 146 00. Refer to "25.2.1 146 00 – EGR Temperature above Normal" .
  3. Check active codes. If fault code 146 01 is the only active code, check for damage to the reed valves as follows:
    1. Look for open valves (damaged or stuck). Replace the valves if necessary.
    2. Look for soot deposits on the valves. If necessary, clean valves.
    3. Replace the valves as required.
  4. Check active codes. If fault code 146 01 is still active on the MBE 4000 engine, check the EGR shutoff valve for damage. Refer to DDC service manual 6SE412 , section , EGR COOLER AND COOLER SUPPORT BRACKET. Replace the EGR shutoff valve if necessary. Erase fault code memory.
  5. If fault code 146 01 is still active, contact Detroit Diesel Technical Service for authorization to replace the PLD-MR. Set parameters on new PLD-MR.

Section 25.2.3
146 02 – Data Erratic

Perform the following steps to resolve erratic EGR data:‪

  1. Check active codes.
    1. If fault codes 146 02 and 146 00 are active at the same time, refer to "25.2.1 146 00 – EGR Temperature above Normal" .
    2. If fault code 146 02 is the only code active, check the wiring between the EGR valve and the PLD-MR. See Figure "EGR Valve Wiring Diagram" . Repair as required. If fault code 146 02 is still active, go to step 2 .
    3. Note: Look for bad wire connections, corrosion on terminals, short circuits, and lost continuity between the PLD-MR and the EGR valve.

      Click to see this graphic in a separate window

      Figure 3. EGR Valve Wiring Diagram

  2. Check the resistance between pin 42 of the 55-pin connector and pin 2 of the EGR valve. See Figure "EGR Valve Wiring Diagram" .
    1. If the resistance is greater than 3 Ω, repair open circuit in wire between pin 42 of the 55-pin connector and pin 2 of the EGR valve. Erase fault code memory.
    2. If the resistance is less than 3 Ω, go to step 3 .
  3. Check all contacts and connections. Remove corrosion as required. Check for active fault codes.
    1. If fault code 146 02 is not active, erase fault code memory.
    2. If fault code 146 02 is still active, go to step 4 .
  4. Bridge pin 3 of the EGR valve to ground and check for active fault codes. See Figure "EGR Valve Wiring Diagram" .
    1. If fault code 146 02 is no longer active, repair open circuit in wire between pin 11 of the 55-pin connector and pin 3 of the EGR valve and check for active fault codes. If fault code 146 02 is no longer active, erase fault code memory.
    2. If fault code 146 02 is still active, go to step 5 .
  5. Check the resistance between pin 50 of the 55-pin connector and pin 1 of the EGR valve. See Figure "EGR Valve Wiring Diagram" .
    1. If the resistance is greater than 3 Ω, repair the open circuit in the wire between pin 50 of the 55-pin connector and pin 1 of the EGR valve. If fault code 146 02 is no longer active, erase fault code memory.
    2. If the resistance is less than 3 Ω, contact Detroit Diesel Technical Service.

Section 25.2.4
146 07 – EGR Valve not Responding

Perform the following steps to resolve an EGR valve not responding:‪

  1. Check active codes.
    1. If fault codes 146 07 and 146 02 are both active, refer to "25.2.3 146 02 – Data Erratic" .
    2. If fault code 146 07 is the only code active, check for lost continuity between the PLD-MR and the EGR valve (PV2). Refer to "25.2.3 146 02 – Data Erratic" .
    3. If fault code 146 07 is still active, test the EGR valve. Contact Detroit Diesel Technical Service for test procedure and test criteria.
    4. If fault code 146 07 is still active, contact Detroit Diesel Technical Service for authorization to replace the PLD-MR. Set parameters on new PLD-MR.
  2. Check for active fault codes. If 146 07 is no longer active, erase fault code memory.

Section 25.2.5
146 12 – Bad Component

Perform the following steps to resolve a Bad Component fault code.‪

  1. Check active codes.
    1. If fault code 146 12 is active, inspect the EGR valve flap. If freedom of movement is restricted. remove soot and clean deposits as required.
    2. If fault code 146 12 is still active, contact Detroit Diesel Technical Service for instructions to perform a PV2 activation test to verify flap valve functionality.
  2. Check for active fault codes
    1. If fault code 146 12 is still active, replace the EGR valve.
    2. If 146 12 is no longer active, erase fault code memory.

MBE 900/4000 Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE422
Generated on 10-13-2008

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