Section 29.2
Troubleshooting SID 242
The following procedure will troubleshoot SID 242.
Section 29.2.1
242 12 – Cruise Control Switch SET and RES Contacts Closed at the Same Time
Troubleshoot a cruise control SET/RESUME switch fault as follows:
- Turn ignition on and place the cruise control switch in the “Off” position. Do not start the engine.
- Note the driver console display.
- If cruise control switch status “RES” is displayed, go to step 3 .
- If cruise control switch status “SET” is displayed, go to step 4 .
- Unplug the cruise control switch.
- If “RES” status is no longer displayed, replace the cruise control SET/RES switch. Erase fault code memory.
- If “RES” status is still displayed, repair short to ground in wire 440F to pin 5 of the 18-pin connector. Erase fault code memory. See Figure "Location of DDEC-VCU and Wiring Harness Connectors" and see Figure "Connector Locations on DDEC-VCU" for connector location.
- Unplug the cruise control switch. See Figure
"Connector Locations on DDEC-VCU"
- If “SET” status is no longer displayed, replace the cruise control SET/RES switch. Erase fault code memory.
- If “SET” status is still displayed, repair short to ground in wire 440E to pin 4 of the 18-pin connector. Erase fault code memory. See Figure "Location of DDEC-VCU and Wiring Harness Connectors" and see Figure "Connector Locations on DDEC-VCU" for connector location.
1. Passenger-Side Dash |
4. 18-Pin Connector |
5. 21-Pin Connector |
3. 15-Pin Connector |
Figure 1. Location of DDEC-VCU and Wiring Harness Connectors
1. 21-Pin DDEC-VCU Connector (VC1) |
3. 15-Pin DDEC-VCU Connector (VC4) |
2. 18-Pin DDEC-VCU Connector (VC3) |
Figure 2. Connector Locations on DDEC-VCU
MBE 900/4000 Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE422 |
Generated on 10-13-2008 |