Series 50G/60G Troubleshooting – Section 5.24 PID 108, FMI 3, Flash Code 86, Barometric Pressure Sensor Input Voltage High

Section 5.24
PID 108, FMI 3, Flash Code 86, Barometric Pressure Sensor Input Voltage High

The input voltage on the Barometric Pressure Sensor (BARO Sensor) is high due to a short.‪

Section 5.24.1
Troubleshooting PID 108, FMI 3, FLASH CODE 86

Troubleshoot as follows:‪


To avoid damage to the harness and connectors when disconnecting harness connectors, ensure the pulling force is applied to the connectors and not to the wires extending from the connectors.‪

  1. Check wire 904 (purple/white, barometric pressure) cavity L-1 in the Engine Sensor Harness (ESH) 30–pin connector for a short to +12V/+24V (see Figure "Engine Sensor Harness 30–pin Connector" ). Also check pin B (barometric pressure) in the BARO Sensor connector. If there is a short, repair or replace the wire(s), pins, and sockets.
    Click to see this graphic in a separate window

    Figure 1. Engine Sensor Harness 30–pin Connector

    1. If the code is still active, go to step .
    2. If the code is not active, refer to "5.24.2 Verification" .
  2. Check wire 904 (purple/white, barometric pressure) cavity L-1 for a short to wire 416 (gray, sensor supply voltage, 5VDC) cavity W-1 in the ESH 30–pin connector (see Figure "Engine Sensor Harness 30–pin Connector" ). Also check pin B (barometric pressure) in the BARO Sensor connector and pin B (sensor supply, +5VDC) in the MAP Sensor connector. If there is a short, repair or replace the wire(s), pins, and sockets.
    1. If the code is still active, call Detroit Diesel Technical Service.
    2. If the code is not active, refer to "5.24.2 Verification" .

Section 5.24.2

Verify troubleshooting as follows: ‪

  1. Check the DDR to see if PID 108, FMI 3, Flash Code 86 is still active.
    1. If the code is still active, go to step 2.
    2. If the code is not active, troubleshooting is complete.
  2. If the code is still active, call Detroit Diesel Technical Service.

Series 50G and 60G Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE482
Generated on 10-13-2008

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