DDEC III/IV Single ECM Troubleshooting – Section 44.3 Troubleshooting Flash Code 44

Section 44.3
Troubleshooting Flash Code 44

Perform the following steps to troubleshoot Flash Code 44.‪

Section 44.3.1
Multiple Code Check

Perform the following steps to check for multiple codes.‪

  1. Turn vehicle ignition switch ON.
  2. Plug in the diagnostic data reader (DDR).
  3. Read active codes.
    1. If active codes other than 110/0 or 175/0 are logged, service them first.
    2. If active codes 110/0 or 175/0 are logged, and no other codes are logged, oil or coolant temperature was higher than it should have been. Inspect for damage. Plug in the reader and determine if code is coolant or oil temperature high.
    3. If active code 110/0 is logged, and the duration of this code is less than 20 seconds, or if it has multiple occurrences which average less than 20 seconds each, contact Detroit Diesel Technical Service.
    4. Note: For information concerning high temperature levels, refer to section 4.1 in the service manual.

DDEC III/IV Single ECM Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE497
Generated on 10-13-2008

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