Section 4.2
Troubleshooting PID 45
The following procedures will troubleshoot PID 45.
Section 4.2.1
045 03 – Open Circuit Fault
Perform the following step to troubleshoot an open circuit fault.
- Measure the resistance between wire 10 on the 12-pin connector and the grid heater ground.
- If resistance is greater than 70 mΩ for a 12-volt system, replace the grid heater. Erase fault code memory.
- If resistance is less than 70 mΩ for a 12-volt system, contact Detroit Diesel Technical Service.
Section 4.2.2
045 04 – Short to Ground Fault
Perform the following step to troubleshoot a short to ground fault.
- Measure the resistance between wire 10 on the 12-pin connector and the grid heater ground.
- If resistance is 0 Ω, replace the grid heater. Erase fault code memory.
- If resistance is greater than 0 Ω, contact Detroit Diesel Technical Service.
MBE 900/4000 Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE422 |
Generated on 10-13-2008 |