Series 50 – Section 13.9 Lubricating Oil and Filter Change Intervals for Genset

Section 13.9
Lubricating Oil and Filter Change Intervals for Genset

The following must be maintained at various intervals.‪

Section 13.9.1
250 hrs (or 12 months) Interval Maintenance (Standby Duty)

Every 250 hrs (or 12 months), the following fluids must be replaced for an engine on standby:‪

Section 13.9.2
250 hrs (or 3 months) Continuous Duty Interval Maintenance (Continuous Duty)

Every 250 hrs (or 3 months), the following must be replaced for a continuous running engine:‪

Series 50 Service Manual - 6SE50
Generated on 10-13-2008

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