Section 75.3
Troubleshooting Flash Code 83, PID 412/FMI 0
Flash Code 83, p 412/0 is used to identify EGR temperature high. These conditions are typically due to:
- EGR valve stuck open
- EGR valve stuck partly open
- Plugged EGR cooler
For all EGR related codes, always refer to "20.18 Exhaust Gas Recirculation System Basic Checks for Series 60 Engines" and perform the exhaust gas recirculation system checks.
Section 75.3.1
Check for an EGR Valve Stuck Open or Partly Open
This same procedure may be found in the Series 60 EGR Technician's Guide (7SE60) as Test A.
Check for a stuck EGR valve as follows:
- Remove the turbocharger to charge-air-cooler (CAC) pipe.
To avoid eye or face injury from flying debris, wear a face shield or goggles.
- Pressurize the CAC inlet to 207 kPa (30 psi) using special tool TLZ00100 or equivalent.
- Using DDDL, monitor the boost psi.
- If the pressure is below 187 kPa (27 psi), visually inspect the CAC, hoses, and the delivery tube for leaks. Repair as necessary.
- If the pressure is 187 kPa (27 psi) or higher, continue to step 4 .
- Disconnect the EGR actuator oil lines.
Note: The oil line fitting is a 37 degree JIC #6 fitting.
- Connect a regulated air supply line to the EGR actuator regulated to 69 kPa (10 psi).
- Using DDDL, activate EGR (PWM #2) to 90%.
- Monitor the boost kPa (psi) pressure for pressure drops when the EGR valve opens.
Note: The pressure should have dropped significantly to approximately 62 kPa (9 psi) or less.
- If the air pressure dropped to 62 kPa (9 psi), no further testing is required. Refer to " Verify Repairs" .
- If the pressure dropped slightly, go to step 8 .
- Physically inspect the EGR valve for a mechanical failure. If the EGR valve is not functioning correctly, replace the EGR valve.
- If no active codes are present, refer to " Verify Repairs" .
- If code p 411/0 is still active, refer to "75.3.2 Check EGR Thermocouple Resistance" .
Section 75.3.2
Check EGR Thermocouple Resistance
Check the EGR Temperature Sensor as follows:
- Bridge sensor pins 1 and 2.
- Check the EGR Temperature Sensor with an ohm-meter at one of the temperatures listed in Table
"Testing the EGR Temperature Sensor"
100°C (212°F)
14370 to 1190 ohms
0°C (32°F)
657 to 1003 ohms
Table 2. Testing the EGR Temperature Sensor- If the ohms are the same as those in the table, the EGR Temperature Sensor is good. Replace the EGR cooler. Refer to " Verify Repairs" .
- If the ohms are not the same, replace the sensor and refer to " Verify Repairs" .
Verify Repairs
Perform the following steps to verify repairs for the EGR valve:
- Connect all connectors.
- Start and run the engine.
- Road test the engine.
- If code 83 was not logged, no further troubleshooting is required.
- If code 83 was logged, please review this section from the first step to find the error. Refer to "75.3.1 Check for an EGR Valve Stuck Open or Partly Open" . If this is the second time through the procedure, call Detroit Diesel Customer Support Center (313–592–5800) or try a test ECM/ECU.
Series 60 DDEC V Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE570 |
Generated on 10-13-2008 |