Series 60 DDEC V Troubleshooting – Section 57.2 Troubleshooting Flash Code 55, SID 231/216/FMI 12/14

Section 57.2
Troubleshooting Flash Code 55, SID 231/216/FMI 12/14

Flash Code 55 indicates the ECM/ECU, see Figure "ECM/ECU" , has detected a fault in the J1939 Data Link that could be incorrect programming or a wiring fault with the J1939 data link wires. See Figure "VIH-TO-ECM/ECU CONNECTOR" .‪

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The following procedure will troubleshoot Flash Code 55.‪

Section 57.2.1
Check J1939 Data Link and ECM/ECU Code

Perform the following steps to check for J1939 data link fault.‪

  1. Is this a J1939 transmission/engine application?
    1. If yes, go to step 2 or contact the Detroit Diesel Customer Support Center (313–592–5800).
    2. If no, use programming station and go to "update customer calibration" and select transmission to manual, or correct transmission. Save changes. Refer to " Verify Repairs" .
  2. Check the diagnostic tool to see if code s 216/14 is displayed. This indicates DDEC ECM/ECU has lost its connection with other ECM/ECU devices and has a lost or shorted J1939 data link.
    1. If code 86/14 displays also, there is a fault with Smart Cruise. Contact the OEM for instructions.
    2. If code 84/12 displays also, the fault is with the ECM/ECU programming or a J1939 data link short. Contact the OEM for VSS (Vehicle Speed Sensor) troubleshooting.
Verify Repairs

Perform the following steps to verify repairs.‪

  1. Start engine.
  2. Plug in diagnostic tool.
  3. Read codes.
    1. If active codes s 216/14 or s 231/12 are not logged, troubleshooting is complete.
    2. If active codes s 216/14 or s 231/12 are logged, contact the Detroit Diesel Customer Support Center (313–592–5800).

Series 60 DDEC V Troubleshooting Guide - 6SE570
Generated on 10-13-2008

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